Engraving boxes for Prestige Pens

As I write this, I’m close to half way through engraving a batch of wooden pen boxes for Bryn Jones of Prestige Pens, based near Caernarfon.

Yew pen by Prestige PensBryn is a wood turner who I met at the Wales Spring Fair in Llandudno. As well as wooden bowls, he makes fabulous wooden pens, turned by hand from a wide variety of native and exotic woods. He sells them at craft events, through shops in North Wales and through his Prestige Pens web site.Engraved pen boxes

Much of the wood he uses has dramatic grain patterns, so every pen is a one-off.

To give his pens the finishing touch, he offers his customers a wooden box to keep them in, engraved with his logo.  He seems to be doing well, judging by the number of boxes he’s using!

Laser engraving is a flexible way to mark wooden boxes like these, with the ability to prepare batches as and when needed, or to do small runs of bespoke designs if required.

Filled a gap in the Cardiff streetscape

It’s frustrating how sometimes you can struggle with something for ages and make no progress.  If you are able to leave it for a while before trying again, if you’re lucky, everything might click into place.

Cardiff Castle candle holder

Cardiff Castle is such a prominent Cardiff building that quite a few people have asked why I haven’t included it in the range of candle holders.

I’ve tried it from a new viewpoint and I’m very pleased with the result.

Happy Wolf Month! First new design of 2014.

During the Christmas markets, I was surprised how many people asked me if I had a wolf design.  They have probably been extinct in Britain since the seventeenth century, are still remembered fondly by at least a few people.  I didn’t have one then, but I do now.

Wooden wolf ornament

Also available in acrylic.

Acrylic wolf ornament

* ‘Wolf-month’ or ‘Wolf-monath’

The Saxon name for January, because “people are wont always in that month to be in more danger of being devoured by wolves than in any other.” (Verstegan.)

These days, the risk is pretty similar every month.

A new design for Christmas

Last weekend we visited a garden centre in Nottingham, where Christmas was clearly well under way!  Woodwasp is kicking off its own celebrations with a brand new candle holder design.

Three Kings

Three Kings

Our next event is the Autumn Fayre organised by the British Heart Foundation in Cowbridge Town Hall on Saturday 19th October.  It is open from 11am until 2pm.  We plan to have a few more ‘Christmassy’ designs in time for that event.

Woodwasp International! (a candle arch for Somerset)

A customer suggested this design to us in August, and bought one as a birthday gift.  It depicts Glastonbury Tor in Somerset (just across the Bristol Channel from us), a site that’s well loved by Christians, modern pagans and anyone who appreciates beautiful landscape and mysterious history.

Glastonbury Tor Candle Arch

Glastonbury Tor Candle Arch

I was really pleased with how it turned out, but we’ve kept it under wraps until we were sure that the recipient’s birthday had come and gone!  Now September is over, the Glastonbury Tor candle arch can take its place alongside the others.

A new candle arch for the Big Cheese

Venturing a little further afield, this is Caerphilly Castle, just over the hill from Cardiff.


The castle was built in the thirteenth century by Gilbert de Clare; a huge and elaborate fortification built as part of his plan to dominate Glamorgan.  The Big Cheese Festival (26th to 28th July) takes place with this spectacular castle as its backdrop, so we certainly couldn’t ignore it!